Descriptions Shaft movie

Download Shaft

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Who delivers ten times out of ten? Samuel L. Jackson is SHAFT, the man and the movie. John Singleton ("Boys 'n' the Hood") directs this gritty action-packed thriller. With his uncle John Shaft (Richard Roundtree, reprising his original role) as his mentor, it's no surprise that today's Shaft is the coolest dude and the hottest action around. To stop a racist killer (Christian Bale), Shaft's got to track down the only eyewitness (Toni Collette) that can put the perpetrator behind bars. As Shaft c

Download movie Shaft

Download your Shaft movie in MPEG4 format. You can watch these on Mac or PC desktop computer, plus many other supperted devices. The free download for Windows or Mac OS take less than a minute to install over a broadband connection.

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